RocK the Shot

Rock the Shot

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Carving pumpkins Minions, Kapernick, BBQ grill, Cinderella Carriage, Pumpkin pie for smarties

I went to a friends Pumpkin party where the prizes were great like a MAC BOOK PRO  etc. So as you can see the effort for a perfectly carved pumpkin to grab the judges attention was in full speed. Everyone had exactly 2 hours to carve.. And these are the outcomes:
Kapernick Pumpkin go 49ers!
This one placed.

Carved pumpkin inside pumpkin
This one placed

BBQ Grill Weber style
PVC pipe tin foil
Painted the pumkin black
Sterno inside for flam
Grilling pumkins
Won First place Mac BOOK PRO!!!!
Face carved with marshmallows used for teeth.

Silohouette  of baby
Host said he would  have chosen this as first place
I kissed up to the wrong person..
This was mine of coarse.
Despicable Me Minion

Despicable Me Minion

Cinderella carriage with props.
But the best prop of all was a 7 week old baby girl dressed in a cinderella contest
sitting very briefly inside the carriage.
This won 2nd place

Pumpkin Pie
This is for all the smartie pants out there
This one placed

Pirate Ship and pirate.
Very creative
Baseball Pumpkin
This one was pretty amazing because the entire pumpkin skin was shaven.
This one placed too.

Such a fun night already planning for next year.... When prizes are big people will go all out!

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