RocK the Shot

Rock the Shot

Monday, November 25, 2013

rainbow loom: teenage mutant ninja turtle, red angry bird, & starburst bracelets

My son's friend showed us this and I was determined to make it for him.
It is definitetly a hard pattern to complete! But the outcome is cool and my son was thrilled!

I bought my kids 1200 rubber bands and they went thru them in two days. At first there were rubber band all over the house and I thought I made a big mistake. by the next day every rubber band was used up and made into bracelets on their wrists. Its addicting and fun to watch little people at work making bracelet after bracelet with different patterns.
Cheap places for rubber bands: Sally's Beauty Supply $1.70 for 400
These bands are very tight and they don't give much.
Best place to buy is Joann's because you can use a coupon: $2.60 for 1000 bands
My daughter came up with a good idea for c clips just use a broken rubber band and tie it together. 
So no need for C Clips!!!
The starburst turns out beautiful and is fun and challenging to make.

Pulling off the bracelet is the moment you find out if you did it correctly or not!

After you watch the video a couple of times you just need to know the code:
connect the two middle ones
over 2 green
up 4 green, purple, crossover purple, purple, green, crossover green
Up 2 green, double black, green, purple, double white
Up 2 green, double black, 2 green, 2 purple, 2 green
Repeat this on the other side.
Add 3 purple links for mask tie on side pin
Add double white diagonal

twist green crossover at top
green , purple purple,green, green, green, green, 
twist green

figure 8 green on bottom pegs
purple purple
green green 
green green

For the Angry Bird you can copy the directions for the turtle one:
With a bit of tweaking

Add the eyebrows and the beak and there you have it!

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